Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Dear Residents,
I truly hope you enjoyed SUAC’s first residents meeting. It was indeed a grand event. The event was made possible through the generosity of our committee members and some residents. No part of the residents’ security fund was used for the event.

For those who attended the event, you should now be familiar with SUAC’s plans. I trust all of you will find our plans to be comprehensive. For those of you who were unable to attend the event, please refer to our blog ( for a full video or refer to the summary below. SUAC is now open to any further suggestions, ideas, complaints and feedback.

1) To engage sentry guards for all our entrances / exits.
2) To install CCTV camera’s at strategic locations
3) To introduce a dual car sticker system.
4) To implement the closure of 2 out of our 3 entrances during the hours of 11am to 5pm and 11pm to 5am.

In order to implement this comprehensive security plan, we will require the participation of our residents. It is indeed shocking to note that 61% of our residents are unwilling to participate in our security scheme. At a participation rate of only 39%, the majority of our residents have opted for a free and open Seri Utama. The consequence of having no security in our community will be devastating. In my meetings with the police, I have personally seen some gruesome pictures and have been made aware of the types of vicious crime that we’re opening up ourselves to. This is my final appeal to all residents. Our current collection is insufficient to meet our wage liabilities for December. SUAC will cease to operate on December 31st, 2010, should you, the residents, decide that RM40 per month is too great a sum to pay for the safety of our homes, children and other family members.

I truly hope that this will not be the last circular that SUAC distributes. SUAC is working very hard for the benefit of all residents. Our interests lie in the safety and security of Seri Utama. The choice between a safe community and a crime ridden one, is yours to make. Make the right choice! Call your street rep or sms 012-673-9035 to join and be a part of a 1 Seri Utama.


  1. (This comment was earlier posted in 'The Breakdown - Pun Intended' before 'The Final Call' was put up. I reproduce it here as it's directly relevant to the subjet-matter)

    I just read the latest circular from SUAC 'The Final Call', and am saddened that despite the best effort from SUAC, the majority of residents seem indifferent to the security situation of their neighbourhood, the consequence being the potential demise of the present security project.

    I really hope the participation rate picks up to enable the security set-up to continue.

    I for one would not mind paying more for the time being to sustain the present security set-up until such time when the participation rate improve. I recall when we first had the security set-up a few years back, we paid RM100 monthly to enable the fledging project to pick up.

    I believe there are contributing members that would not want to see the demise of our security set-up, and may not hesitate to pay more for the time for its sustenance.

  2. Neal, Secretary, SUACDecember 22, 2010 at 11:47 AM

    SUAC is deeply saddened as well. We are shocked at the attitude of our residents. SUAC is making a last ditch effort to sign up as many residents as we can. It is a tedious exercise. we must also note that if the majority decide that Seri Utama does not require security, then SUAC will have to cease operations and comply with the wishes of the majority. With regards to raising the fees, mathematically SUAC will be back at square one. while some residents will agree to pay more, others will fall off the list. It will be a case of a minority subsidizing the majority. Please speak to your non-paying neighbours. Thanks.

  3. Many of the residence may not realize this, should crime rampant in Seri Utama, it will somehow devalue the properties in this area in the long run.

    Look at the housing area in Section 6. Although many of them have a similar size and build, the value is lesser than in Seri Utama. Just anybody could move about in the taman freely.

    We might not appreciate this but till now we don't normally get beggars or street pedlars coming to our doorsteps or people stealing our drain covers or water meters in the middle of the night, simply because we have some form of deterrence. I am not sure how many people are aware that at some other tamans nearby, snatch theft happens at the doorsteps.

    I guess for 2011 we should be prepared for whatever is coming. I have even heard parang wielding robbers storming into a heavily secured house in Section 9. That can happen to us.

    Malaysian are known only to react when there is a crisis. Perhaps after many cars are broken into (see how many cars are parked by the roadside!), or kids get snatched from the playgrounds or house are broken into and plundered and people get injured, murdered or raped, MAYBE the residence will consider that RM40. I will give it 6 months or a year before the residents come to their senses.

  4. Neal, Secretary, SUACDecember 22, 2010 at 3:08 PM

    Hi waerren,

    It is so clear to you and SUAC. The facts you mentioned above are all accurate. How do we make our residents realize that having no guards here will bring more vicious crime. As mentioned in our last circular, I've seen the gruesome pictures and it ain't pretty. Well, SUAC has tried and is trying very hard but if the residents rather save the RM40 and take the chance that the parangs don't come their way - God Bless them!!!!!

  5. I fully agreed with what Waerren said, and this is what I fear that would happened to our area if we can't afford to have security arrangements anymore.

    I tried to convince one of the neighbour to participate the security plan once, but the reason given not to participate because they always have peoples in the house! I truly sad to know that how silly they are.

  6. I was driving around Phase 2, and noticed quite a number of residents have the "GUARDED" tag on their gates. Has the membership situation improved?

  7. Neal, secretary, SUACDecember 23, 2010 at 11:33 AM

    Hi Tancho,

    The membership has improved somewhat. We will probably be able to meet our wage liabilities for december. SUAC was out last night again speaking to residents. I myself was out till 12:30am. We need to convince more residents so we can implement the next step(s). SUAC will not stop its work till we are able to convince 75% of our residents. we need each and every resident to speak to their neighbours. we must stop the 'free lunch' mentality. I find it difficult to understand those residents who have nice cars and nice homes but wont part with RM40 per month so that their families can live in a peaceful and secure neighborhood. If SUAC is able to implement our full plans, I expect our property prices to rise. The cost of security is peanuts compared to the gain in property values. I guess, some people just want it all for free. As they say ~ Money can't buy class!!!!!

  8. "Money can't buy class" - how very true. Reminds me of a neighbour with 2 Mercs and a BMW, but did not pay the rent and had to stealthily move out in the night.

    Very glad the membership has improved, thanks to the hard work by you and co.


    waerren said...
    Many of the residence may not realize this, should crime rampant in Seri Utama, it will somehow devalue the properties in this area in the long run.

    Look at the housing area in Section 6. Although many of them have a similar size and build, the value is lesser than in Seri Utama. Just anybody could move about in the taman freely.

    We might not appreciate this but till now we don't normally get beggars or street pedlars coming to our doorsteps or people stealing our drain covers or water meters in the middle of the night, simply because we have some form of deterrence. I am not sure how many people are aware that at some other tamans nearby, snatch theft happens at the doorsteps.

    I guess for 2011 we should be prepared for whatever is coming. I have even heard parang wielding robbers storming into a heavily secured house in Section 9. That can happen to us.

    December 22, 2010 2:48 PM

    (WHAT IF "beggars coming to our doorsteps??")



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