Friday, August 10, 2012


Thanks to an alert resident who sighted the car and thugs involved in the parang attack on our guard, the perpetrators are now in police custody. A huge salute and thank you to our alert resident. 

SUAC 1  Bad Guys 0.




  1. Well done GUYS ! BUT these guys ought to be arrested from Day 1, take a look at the heavily tinted glass, and spoilers.

  2. dear suac, any updates on attackers ? they surrendered their car and need not face the law, cops themselves playing hide and seek ? we need meaningful updates so we need not make own assumptions.

    Thank you team for making SU safe place to live in, only if we cont to contribute to suac. By any standard, you are responsible for your neighbours' action. Make sure they are contributing to the security.

    By not paying and think that your home is safe is foolish and we believe one of SU resident learnt a painful incident after family was almost robbed. Remind neighbour to pay up ! you guys are sharing the same wall. too close for comfort again... Thanks SUAC Great Job !

  3. Rest assured, justice will be served.

  4. Notice a grey Proton Wira with 2 Indian men behaving suspiciously outside our taman, at the road beside the flats. They drove very slowly and seemed like surveying the area. Unfortunately I couldn't took down the number plate. Please alert the guards so that they can pay more attention to such profile. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the tip. Will advise the guards.


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