Sunday, October 16, 2011

CCTV Cameras

Please be advised that Post 2 is now equipped with CCTV cameras. 2 cameras have been installed, one for the capture of incoming license plates and the other for capturing the general activity of sentry guards and the surrounding area.


  1. Hi

    Notice that. It is really good to have CCTV(s) at the guard house. Just wish the new guard will be build asap. Wondering how much does those CCTV(s) cost? Can Suac provided us the yearly account?


  2. We understand your frustration with the guard house not being built. There is nothing more that we would like than for the guardhouses to be built. With regards to the CCTV at post 2, the cost of 2 cameras (one wide angle and one focused), 4 channel DVR, pole and labor came to RM2600. With regards to the accounting, SUAC will most definitely provide our financials as promised.

  3. Hi....
    I am wondering now already month of oct 2011,
    here , i haven't see any yearly account yet ?
    when can SUAC show us the account ? Is that anything wrong with the account !!!
    kindly reply

  4. Dear SUAC,

    First of all, I would like to say a big "T" to your effort on the security and the system. I can see guards trailing the cars without sticker, arguing with uncompromising vehicles, riding in the hot sun and even in the rainy day. This is what we must do to prevent crime.

    "T" = Thanks

    HaPpY NeIgHbOuRhOOd

  5. With regards to the accounts, kindly refer to the labels on the front page and choose 'accounts'. Here you will see that on Jan 27, 2011, SUAC released our annual financials. Likewise, we assure you that we will release the same for this fiscal year. I assure you there is nothing wrong with our accounts as all our collections and expenses are 100% transparent. Moreover, as a registered Residents Association, our accounts must be audited as per ROS rules. Just so there is no misconception, please be advised that committee members are not allowed to claim even a single "teh tarik" even if they are meeting over SUAC matters at a coffee shop.

    With regards to the big 'T', SUAC also would like to send out a big 'T' to our members for their continued support. Together, we can fight the barbaric criminals.

  6. Any update on construction of the guard-houses? Thanks

  7. Happy Diwali to all the Hindus resident in Seri Utama. Happy holiday and drive safe on the road...


  8. With regard to the guard houses, SUAC has secured approvals for the first 2 stages of 3 process. SUAC is pushing hard to get the necessary approvals. We are unable to build prior to receipt of such approvals as these are permanent structures. We apologize for the delay but it's sorta beyond our control.


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