Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Dear Residents of phase 2 &3,

It is with deep sadness and anger that we inform you that there were 5 break-ins in our community and 1 attempted break-in on November 10th 2010. It appears that Seri Utama has become a burglar haven. As you may also have noticed, Squad Security Services have ceased their operations in our community.

Numerous discussions have been held to address this urgent issue. We have come to the conclusion that it is not logistically possible for a single committee to address the security matters at Seri Utama. We have therefore decided to split such duties and have therefore formed a new committee to address security issues for phases 2 & 3. The Seri Utama Action Committee (SUAC), comprising of volunteer residents, will now assume responsibility for setting up a security system for phases 2 & 3. SUAC would like to take this opportunity to thank the previous committee for their efforts.

  1. We will deploy a local patrol system. Security guards will patrol our respective streets (Phase 2 & 3) 24 hours a day. Patrolling offers us greater effectiveness while reducing cost as opposed to the sentry system which has proved ineffective. You may have noticed that such patrolling have commenced effective Tuesday November 16, 2010.
  2. Paying members will have the benefit of having guards respond, in a timely fashion, to the trigger of their house alarm. Guards will undoubtedly be able to respond quickly to any emergency since they will be on constant patrol.
  3. Paying members will also be notified if their gates are left open unintentionally.Paying members will receive car stickers that identify them as residents of our community. Cars without such stickers will be tailed by our guards when found loitering within our streets. For the sake of privacy, the new car stickers will not make any mention to Seri Utama.
  4. SUAC will use a direct employment approach as opposed to engaging the services of a security company. While this approach is more cumbersome, the committee felt that this approach enhances quality while reducing costs.
  5. Paying residents will be supplied with new home identifier stickers that will be bold and easily identifiable. Guards will only focus their efforts on homes with the new stickers.
  6. Collection of fees will be carried out by street reps. This allows for greater interaction between residents and the committee and also frees up more time for the guards to carry out their duties. Residents will also be more able to voice any concerns through our new blog which is currently being set up. The blog will also provide up to date information on the goings on in our community.
  7. The monthly fee has been reduced to RM40 per month. It is our hope that a greater number of homes will choose to participate in our new program which will then enable us to further improve the said services.
  8. Our enhanced system calls for a 3 prong approach. While the security guards will carry out the 24 hour patrol, we have also engaged the police to assist us. BPKD has agreed to place an undercover officer within our community to ensure speedier response to our emergency calls. The Committee had a very productive meeting with Sergeant Major Latiff of BPKD and received a great deal of input on how further enhance the security of Seri Utama. We will be implementing such new measures in the near future. The third prong consists of us, the residents. Each of us must play a greater role if we are going to feel safe in our community.

As you can see, a great deal of thought, effort and time has gone in to address this urgent issue. SUAC members have worked diligently to come up with a comprehensive plan limited only by the funds that we collect. Each committee member only has the interest of our community at heart. It is tedious work and a great sacrifice on our part. Of course, all our efforts will prove futile if you, the residents do not show your support. We urge each and every resident to consider participating in our new scheme.


Seri Utama Action Committee
Working towards a safer community

POLICE KD STATION           03-6141-8469

SIMON LOW                           012-210-8030
JET TAN                                  019-311-9268
NEAL RAMCHANDANI         012-673-9035
Email: seriutama2n3@gmail.com

SUREN                                    014-321-1586
PRAKASH                              010-260-0715
PUGANES                              016-241-2181

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