SUAC hears you….please be advised that SUAC has forwarded all complaints and grievances of our residents to MBPJ. The following list reflects the concerns of our residents as highlighted during the Q & A session of our Family Day 2012.
1) Request for increased fogging to combat mosquitoes.
2) Request for the trimming of the tree in front of No. 26 JSP 5/11.
3) Request for the re-installation of speed bumps at Post 1.
4) Request for the removal of the abandoned cars in our taman.
5) Request for yellow boxes to be painted at our entrances.
6) Request for the removal of the shrubs which line JSP 5/1. MBPJ has already responded to this request and is in the process of trimming the said shrubs.
7) Request for lawn cutting at 30 JSP 5/14 and back of 32A JSP 5/8.
8) Request for the removal of the speed bump at JSP 5/12 and the subsequent installation of one which complies with MBPJ regulation.